Are the nursery doors security protected?
Our main nursery entrance door is a fingerprint reader which gives maximum security for families entering the nursery. Our other external door and gate is security coded to prevent access to strangers.
Is the nursery garden secure?
Our nursery garden is surrounded by 8ft palisade fencing to prevent unwanted people/animals from entering the garden. The gate into the nursery garden is security code protected. Daily garden checks are done by staff members every morning before our children access the nursery garden.
Is my child’s learning recorded and monitored?
Your child’s key person knows your child better than anyone at nursery. When they have been with us for a few weeks the key person will highlight some starting points which is where they think your child is up to developmentally. Written observations and photographs are used to record your child’s learning and track their development and progress.
Termly reviews and Something to Share sheets monitor development and share key events with you as a family. As a setting we complete termly Wellcomm assessments which are a speech and language assessment.
Do the staff plan activities to stretch my child’s learning?
Yes. Your child’s key person will write individual plans in relation to your child’s interest and style of learning in order to stretch their learning and development. Group plans are also used to support your child’s learning with their friends.
Can my child come to nursery if they have SEN?
In a word, yes! Please see the link to our Local Offer.
Does nursery have a designated SEN member of staff? (SENCO)
We certainly do. Our SENCO is very experienced in SEND and working with outside professionals. She has been a part of our senior team for 8 years.
Does OFSTED inspect the nursery?
Yes. We were last inspected by Ofsted in March 2019 and were rated as a Good provider.
Do we come into nursery for Parents Evenings and Open Days?
Termly review meeting with your key person are very important to us. They ensure that we are working in partnership with you to support your child’s learning and development as well as we possibly can. Parents evenings and stay and play session are done fairly regularly, giving you plenty of notice to try and make sure as many families as possible attend.
Who prepares the meals/where does the food come from?
We have a 3 week rotational menu which our nursery cook prepares fresh on-site daily. We have recently completed a food accreditation with the Early Years Nutritional Partnership. Our food supplier is Asda.
Can nursery cater for special dietary requirements?
Our nursery cook caters for children with different dietary requirements, using different ingredients. Comprehensive lists of all the allergens contained in our meals and the ingredients are available to families.
What about if my baby isn’t weaned yet?
That’s fine! Some of our smaller babies come to nursery before they are weaned. All we ask is that you provide your baby’s bottles and formula/breastmilk to feed your baby whilst they are with us. We are a breastfeeding friendly setting so please feel free to drop in and breastfeed your baby.
We work closely with our families to make sure we are offering similar things to you at home when you start to wean your baby. Our First Tastes menu is prepared daily by our cook using fresh ingredients to offer a variety of textures and tastes to our smallest people.
Can nursery do baby-led weaning like we do at home?
Of course! We work very closely with our families and emulate the baby-led weaning you have been doing at home. Your baby’s key person will review our menu with you to ensure that you are happy with the choices we would offer your baby.
Who works out how much I need to pay?
Our financial Manager, Mike, is in charge of working out nursery fees. We charge a full ‘weekly fee’ for 51 weeks of the year, including Bank Holidays. Fees are paid monthly, by the 20th day of the month, either by standing order, cash, card, cheque, childcare voucher or tax-free childcare codes. Monthly payments are calculated by multiplying your ‘weekly fee’ by the number of weeks remaining in our financial year and dividing the figure by the number of months remaining.
Do I have to pay on a set date or can I pay when it suits me?
It’s preferable that your monthly fees are paid by the 20th of every month. However, alternative ways to pay can be discussed.
Can I pay with childcare vouchers?
Yes. We accept all childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare codes. These can be applied for at
Does nursery offer funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds?
We certainly do. Please see the early Years Entitlement part of our website.
What if I am at college/studying?
If you are studying and your child is 2 then your child may be eligible for 2 Year Old Funding. Please see our Early Years Entitlement part of our website.
lternatively, you can speak to your college about alternative funding streams.